The First Corporal Work of Mercy is to Feed the Hungry.
Mercy means “to have one’s heart near the poor” — those who are experiencing material poverty AND those suffering in spiritual poverty. As a parish community, we have challenged one another to learn and live out the Spiritual Works of Mercy by becoming more aware of those around us in need, by extending forgiveness, by reaching out to one another in compassion, and by praying for peace in our community.
AJ’s Kitchen began as a ministry to honor 2 loved ones who died over 15 years ago...
TODAY, Holy Name of Jesus Parishioners prepare and serve over 100 free, nutritious meals to the homeless and to the working poor in our community.
Lunch is served every Monday, 12:00 - 1:00pm, at THNJ's Columbia Street parish hall.
All who are hungry are welcomed with dignity.
AJ's Kitchen is funded through parishioner donations to the Sunday Mass Offertory, supplemented with parish food drives and food donations from Inland Harvest, and fully staffed by trained parish volunteers.
Sign up for Online Giving
Every gift is needed and appreciated, especially by those we serve. Thank you!
AJ's Kitchen also relies on donations of non-perishable foods and paper goods to reduce costs. We currently need: